Since the beginning of time, humans have eaten seasonal diets. What was borne of necessity and availability has become, in many ways, more about trends and marketing in the modern era. Am I craving a Peppermint Latte because of the chill in the air, or because the idea has been sold to me throughout my lifetime that this is peppermint’s time to shine? Frankly, it makes almost no difference. I’m having the latte either way.
This time of year, in the bakery fillings category, consumers typically demand more from apple, pumpkin, stone-fruit, and cream based products. The things we typically consider “summer fruits”, like strawberries, take a back seat to highly seasonal items like cranberries. We know that limited time, seasonal products sell. Whether it’s a genuine personal craving or one highly influenced by beautiful advertising and catchy jingles, consumers buy in. All the way in.
Formulating new seasonal products is one of the things we love most at SIS. Knowing the product you created is going to enhance someone’s enjoyment of the season, the holiday, the year, is truly a special feeling. Whatever the season, whatever the craving… whether you’re looking to fill a donut, top a coffee cake, or co-extrude fillings into a bar… we’re here to help you create the perfect consumer experience.
Every product we make is custom developed to meet your sensory and performance requirements. Ready to turn an idea into reality? Give us a call today 312-254-3539 or fill out our Sample Request Form!