A terrific article came out last week entitled “The Doughnut Paradox: Indulgence Positioning in a World Obsessed With Health and Wellness” from Senior Foodservice Analyst Elizabeth Friend and it does a tremendous job of examining the concepts and consequences of the food industry’s approach to Health & Wellness and Indulgence.
In making sense of the seemingly contradictory demand in these markets, Ms. Friend suggests we need to consider the sophistication of today’s consumer. Even those that regularly seek out healthy snack options are open to occasional indulgences, requiring a new value equation allowing for both product categories to exist and flourish. To address these demands, SIS is committed to offering snack food manufacturers both purely indulgent products as well as healthier options without the sacrifice to experience. Meeting these challenges continues to excite us and new specialty ingredients are continuously being sampled and tested in our on-site lab on a diverse array of platforms and applications - INCLUDING doughnut and pastry fillings and toppings!
“...cupcakes looked pretty, tasted good, and were perfectly portioned for individual indulgence—a pastry that felt like an event, rather than a simple dessert. Likewise, these cupcakes were positioned as super premium items, incorporating specialty ingredients like Valhrona chocolate and Tahitian vanilla to justify prices as high as US$3-$5 per item... "…indulgence trends have been particularly notable in how quickly they rise and fall, but doughnuts and pastries have long been an important--if often overlooked--part of the US fast food landscape."The Doughnut Paradox:Indulgence Positioning in a World Obsessed With Health and Wellness